
More feminist-bashing on Twitter by Dana Loesch

Ahh... the usual from this deluded moron. Dana Loesch bashing feminists, birth control, contraceptionPlanned Parenthood, and pro-reproductive choice people.

Loesch takes cheap shots at the Oscars, Joe Salazar, and Seth McFarlane:

Even more rank dumbassery from Loesch:

The "fascist left"? You're out of your fucking mind!

TOTAL lie, Dana!

Planned Parenthood is NOT "Planned Genocide", you anti-reproductive choice jerkoff!

Typical condescending bullying-level remark from her.

Loesch bashes Ashley Judd, a possible Democratic Party Senate candidate from Kentucky to take on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R):

More on Loesch's deliberate falsehoods on the war on women, attacks on [Democratic/liberal] women and pro-choice viewpoints:  


More Loesch lies: She falsely claims that Laura Bush did NOT attend the 2002 Oscars

Today in Poutrage Alert: Obama-hating shit for brains loon Dana Loesch deliberately lied about Laura Bush's role in the 2002 Oscars in order to attack First Lady Michelle Obama for her appearance at last night's Oscars ceremony. Obama presented the award for Best Picture Award, and Argo won.

More proof that Loesch is a condescending jerk:

Sorry, Dana, but former FLOTUS Laura Bush was a presenter at the 2002 Oscars.

Twitter user @PumpsandBumps tells the truth about Bush's role in the 2002 Oscars:

Media Matters For America has the real no-spin facts about the Oscars, which conservatives like her decided to ignore intentionally:
Right-wing media are falsely suggesting that First Lady Michelle Obama's Academy Awards appearance is unprecedented, ignoring that former presidents and former First Lady Laura Bush have previously participated in the ceremony.
In fact, former presidents and former First Lady Laura Bush have participated in Academy Awards ceremonies. In 2002, Bush appeared at the Oscars in a taped appearance. From the Chicago Tribune:
The documentary history montage was put together by director Penelope Spheeris, whose remarkable "Decline of Western Civilization" rock documentaries likely have never been even close to nominated.
And the show's marvelous "What do the movies mean to you?" opening segment was done by director Errol Morris, whose groundbreaking work, from "Thin Blue Line" through "Fast, Cheap and Out of Control," has also been criminally neglected.
It was bracing to see people from Laura Bush to Jerry Brown to Mikhail Gorbachev interviewed, and mind-bending to hear film titles such as Russ Meyer's "Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill" and William Castle's "The Tingler" mentioned on usually sacrosanct Oscar airspace.
In 1981, President Reagan taped an appearance for the Oscars. From The New York Times:
But now that Mr. Reagan has moved on to another profession, he's been invited to appear on the Academy Awards program on March 30.
The President will remain in the White House and tape a brief greeting to the audience at the Oscar ceremonies, and his words will be televised early in the awards show.
''President Reagan was once a member of our industry and it seemed fitting for him to join us,'' said Norman Jewison, producer of this year's show.
The Times also noted that former President Franklin D. Roosevelt "spoke to an Oscar audience by radio in 1941."

The far right-wing loves to lie and smear any member of the Obama family (or any Democrat/liberal/alleged "RINO").


Dana Loesch defends House GOP's VAWA bill, falsely accuses Democrats of "exploiting women"

Once again, Dana Loesch is absolutely lying about the Violence Against Women Act, by falsely claiming that the Senate Democrats version of the bill as "pork" and baselessly accusing Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) of "exploiting women." Remember, she has a long history of misleadingly accusing Democrats and liberals of being "anti-women."

Loesch lies about VAWA again on her radio show blog:

The VAWA has enjoyed bipartisan support for years until Leahy tried to exploit the women he claimed to protect with this act by using them as front. 

Democrats use VAWA as a litmus test for female concern, so why then are they jeopardizing it? 
Speaking of violence against women, let’s revisit the Colorado Democrats and how women should just take the violence visited upon them.

Here's the real truth about VAWA that Loesch intentionally decided to distort in order to defend the House GOP version, via Jennifer Bendery at the Huffington Post:

The House GOP bill entirely leaves out provisions aimed at helping LGBT victims of domestic violence. Specifically, the bill removes "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" from the list of underserved populations who face barriers to accessing victim services, thereby disqualifying LGBT victims from a related grant program. The bill also eliminates a requirement in the Senate bill that programs that receive funding under VAWA provide services regardless of a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. Finally, the bill excludes the LGBT community from the STOP program, the largest VAWA grant program, which gives funds to care providers who work with law enforcement officials to address domestic violence. 
Another notable difference in the House bill relates to a provision targeting Native American victims. Under the Senate bill, tribal courts would gain new authority to prosecute non-Native American men who abuse Native American women on reservations. The House bill also grants that new authority -- a major change from the bill House Republicans put forward in the last Congress -- but adds a caveat that would allow those people to move their case to a federal court if they feel their constitutional rights aren't being upheld. 
Congress failed to reauthorize VAWA last year for the first time since the law's inception in 1994, due in large part to House Republican opposition to the tribal provision. The fact that the House bill includes some kind of tribal provision reflects some movement by GOP leaders toward a bill that can pick up broader support. But even some House Republicans who have advocated for a compromise on the tribal piece say the bill needs to go further on that front. 
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) trashed the GOP proposal altogether.
"House Republicans just can’t help themselves," Pelosi said in a statement. "Even with a strong, bipartisan bill passed by the Senate for the second Congress in a row, even with countless women in need of support and protection, Republicans are still turning the Violence Against Women Act into a partisan political football."

On Twitter, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA12) rightfully slammed the House GOP version of VAWA as a "non-starter":

More on Loesch's deliberate falsehoods on the war on women, attacks on [Democratic/liberal] women and pro-choice viewpoints: Dana Busted: Dana Loesch still making misleading attacks on Salazar and Democrats
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch baselessly attacks Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar (D)
Dana Busted: On #RoevWade's 40th Anniversary, anti-choice extremist Loesch declares it "Happy Baby-Killing Anniversary"
Dana Busted: #INSen: Anti-choice radical Dana Loesch defends Richard Mourdock's offensive comments 
Dana Busted: On KFTK's The Dana Show, Loesch defends Akin against the "GOP Establishment that wants him to drop out"
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch falsely implies that "McCaskill and Democrats want to control women"
LGF: Dana and Chris Loesch Defend Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments
Dana Busted: Clueless moron Dana Loesch defends Todd Akin's "Legitimate Rape" comment 
Dana Busted: Anti-choice liar Dana Loesch criticizes Lisa Brown's Vagina Monologues speech
Dana Busted: Loesch on KFTK's The Dana Show: "Progressive Women Suffer From 'Fake Leg Syndrome.'"
Dana Busted: GOP flunky Dana Loesch continues to misleadingly accuse the Dems of "pushing a 'war on women'"
Dana Busted: Loesch defends Kleefisch and Walker from possible recalls

Dana Busted: Loesch visits Chicago, still baselessly claims the "Democrats have a war on [conservative] women" 
Dana Busted: Loesch visits Madison, Wisconsin, and lies her butt off 
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch STILL falsely accusing the "Dems of starting the War on Moms' 
Dana Busted: Loesch falsely trumpets the "Democrats have declared war on [conservative] mothers" 
Media Matters for America: Dana Loesch's constant smears against Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: Loesch falsely accuses the Dems of "playing political games with VAWA" 
Dana Busted: Big Journalism's Loesch falsely accuses Jan Schakowsky of "validating misogyny" 
Dana Busted: Loesch defends the sexist Oxycontin Smuggling Hypocrite's attacks on Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: Outright moron Loesch still lying about Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: On her radio show, Loesch ridicules college-aged women for supporting access to contraception
Dana Busted: Anti-choice whacko Dana Loesch defends Virginia's horrid extremist Ultrasound Law
Dana Busted: Loesch's recent lunacy continues on trucking
Dana Busted: Loesch lies on ABC's This Week on everything
Dana Busted: Anti-Choice liar Loesch: "Liberals only care about breast cancer to push their pro-abortion agenda"
Dana Busted: More anti-choice propaganda from Dana Loesch 
Media Matters: Loesch and guest Katz bash Michelle Obama 
Media Matters: On The Dana Show, Loesch Claims "Democrats Use Women As Prostitutes For Votes" 
LGF: CNN and KFTK’s Dana Loesch Equates Mandatory Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound to Having Sex 
Media Matters: Limbaugh, Loesch join chorus blaming MoveOn for activist beating


Dana Loesch still making misleading attacks on Salazar and Democrats

Last night on Dana Busted, I had broken the news that Dana Loesch was flagrantly lying about Colorado State Rep. Joe Salazar (D), and even accused him and his party of starting a "war on women.

For the 2nd day in a row, Loesch took to her Twitter account (@DLoesch) to make false accusations about Salazar, gun safety advocates, and Democrats:

Loesch (and other wingnuts) defended the EXTREMELY SEXIST and OFFENSIVE #LiberalTips2Avoid Rape hashtag on Twitter.

Mother Jones' Asawin Suebsaeng has more on on that offensive hashtag::

There's this new hashtag #LiberalTips2AvoidRape that's now on its second day of trending on Twitter: A really, really great expression of our shared humanity, and of the possibilities of feel-good, thoughtful conservative satire... this is not:

For the uninitiated, this isn't an example of right-wingers deciding out-of-the-blue to be insensitive to rape victims. They have their reason, and his name is Joe Salazar, a first-term Democratic state representative in Colorado. On Friday, Salazar spoke on the state House floor in support of House Bill 13-1226, which would eliminate "the authority of a concealed handgun permit holder to possess a concealed handgun on the campus of an institution of high education." In other words, Salazar's bill would ban concealed firearms on college campuses in Colorado. Opponents of the proposed legislation maintain that banning concealed carry on campuses would make it harder for students to protect themselves against mass shooters and rapists on school grounds.
Salazar came down on the side of those who believe that more loaded guns on college campuses is a terrible idea.  
Salazar was labeled the new poster boy for the "real war on women," and painted as someone who denies women the right to protect themselves against sexual assault. He was portrayed as an out-of-touch, gun-stealing lefty who promoted blowing a whistle over actually fighting off an attack. Many also latched onto Salazar's "you don't know if you feel like you're gonna be raped," upgraded the meaning to something around the lines of, "women can't ever tell when they're about to get raped/getting raped," and voilà! New Todd Akin. 
"It's not 'rape-rape' until a male Dem gives his stamp of approval, you dumb broads," an anonymous staff writer wrote at this website founded by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin. Her site has been at the forefront of the Salazar-related uproar. Dana LoeschGlenn Beck, Herman Cain's CainTV, folks at Fox News, and many others piled on accordingly.

No, Dana, the Colorado House Democrats are NOT waging a "War On Women."

Her typical insults hurled at liberals/progressives.

Stop lying, Dana! YOU kept defending Akin's remarks (and later Mourdock's).

Dana, Democratic men are NOT "disenfranchising" women. GTFO with that lie!

Evan McMorris-Santoro at TPM has the truth on how the Salazar debacle unfolded:

Conservatives are calling a Colorado legislator the Democratic Todd Akin after he wandered into a discussion about rape while debating a gun control bill last week on the state House floor. 
State Rep. Joe Salazar (D), a first-term lawmaker, spoke up during a debate Friday over a bill that would ban concealed weapons from college campuses in Colorado. Gun rights advocates have pushed for more concealed carry permits on campuses in the years since the Virginia Tech shooting. In an apparent attempt to respond to concerns that the proposed law would leave women defenseless against rapists on campus, Salazar opined that fearful women may shoot first and ask questions later, putting men at risk.
“It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at,” Salazar said, according to a transcript of his remarks published by the Denver Post. “And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody.” 
Conservatives and gun rights activists pounced. 
But a clip of Salazar during the floor debate went viral on the conservative twitterscape as gun rights activists piled on. Akin’s name was raised more than once.

Conservative activists have reached yet another new low, folks…they managed to get the hashtag #LiberalTips2AvoidRape to become a trending topic on Twitter and made numerous highly offensive remarks about rape.  
Rape is an evil, disgusting act, and it’s not funny to make jokes about rape.

More on Loesch's idiocy and falsehoods on Guns and the 2nd Amendment:  Dana Busted: Dana Loesch baselessly attacks Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar (D)
Dana Busted: NRA shill Loesch falsely accuses Missouri Dems of proposing "gun confiscation"
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch visits CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, tells more tall tales on national TV
Dana Busted: Unhinged Moron Dana Loesch on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight: "There Is No Such Thing As An Assault Weapon"
Dana Busted: Wingnut extraordinaire Dana Loesch attacks Piers Morgan and "anti-gun" liberals
Loesch on KFTK's The Dana Show: Encouraging her listeners to buy a gun for Christmas


Dana Loesch baselessly attacks Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar (D)

The evil kook is at it again: Recently writing for fellow former CNN "contributor" Erick Erickson's RedState blog, callous RWNJ asshole Dana Loesch is peddling even more distortions on guns and women. The victim of Loesch's misleading lies: Colorado State Rep. Joe Salazar (D-COLD31) for defending rape whistles and supporting a concealed weapons ban on college campuses.

KDVR, Denver's FOX affiliate:

DENVER — First-year state Rep. Joe Salazar is apologizing for a statement during Friday’s debate over a concealed weapons ban on college campuses that has drawn the ire of conservatives across the blogosphere.
In arguing in favor of the ban, Salazar, D-Thornton, said that women on college campuses don’t need guns to feel that they’re safe. 
“It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles,” Salazar said on the House floor. “Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody.” 
“I’m sorry if I offended anyone. That was absolutely not my intention,” Salazar said. “We were having a public policy debate on whether or not guns makes people safer on campus. I don’t believe they do. That was the point I was trying to make. If anyone thinks I’m not sensitive to the dangers women face, they’re wrong.

But that only served to egg on the right-wing morons, such as Loesch and Malkin.

She wrote in her RedState blog her usual distortionist BS:
Chill, women, says Colorado Democrat Rep. Joe Salazar. While arguing for the disarmament of college students, Salazar says that even if women feel like they’re going to be raped, they may not, so who needs a firearm for protection?  

This is the real “war on women” I’ve talked about: the progressive insistence that women disarm. Women, according to Rep. Salazar, are hysterical things which shoot indiscriminately at any and everything. 

This “feel like you’re going to be raped” nonsense is as poorly-worded as the “shut that whole thing down” drama from last fall. If Democrats don’t swiftly condemn this, I see this used as a tactic to showcase the vast lack of respect Democrats have for a woman’s right to self defense.
While she attacked Salazar, Loesch had the nerve to defend 2012 Senate candidate and former Congressman Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" remarks. BTW, Mrs. Liaresch, Salazar is NOT advocating "disarment" of women. She also falsely accused Democrats having a lack of respect for women.

Salazar claims to have a record of defending women’s rights but his actions to disenfranchise them of their Second Amendment rights are completely contradictory to that claim. One in four collegiate women report rape and one in five are raped. Salazar wants to deprive women of their right to defense with these odds? Just blow your rape whistles and pray that an attacker represents the “safe zone” boundaries? The best apology is a reversal of his war on women.
This claim by her is absolutely pants-on-fire false.

She took to Twitter to further demonize Salazar (and by extension, the Democratic Party):

Dana Loesch, you are a disgrace to your own Goddamn gender and to gun owners!

Another conservative loon on Twitter, @RichardRSmithJr, is making this the "Democrats have a full-blown Todd Akin on their hands" fallacy:

Fellow Colorado resident and deranged nutjob Michelle Malkin joined in on the Salazar-bashing:
As RedState reports, on Friday, Salazar argued against concealed carry on college campuses in favor of call boxes, whistles and “safe zones.” Why? Because you as a woman might “feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be” — better to head to the call box and let a man with a gun decide if the danger is real or not (if he shows up in time, that is).

You are such a crybaby, Dana! Get over it, and no, progressives/liberals/Democrats like Salazar are NOT "anti-gun", "anti-women", or "pro-rapist."

More on Loesch's idiocy and falsehoods on Guns and the 2nd Amendment:
Dana Busted: NRA shill Loesch falsely accuses Missouri Dems of proposing "gun confiscation"
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch visits CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, tells more tall tales on national TV
Dana Busted: Unhinged Moron Dana Loesch on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight: "There Is No Such Thing As An Assault Weapon"
Dana Busted: Wingnut extraordinaire Dana Loesch attacks Piers Morgan and "anti-gun" liberals
Loesch on KFTK's The Dana Show: Encouraging her listeners to buy a gun for Christmas

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