
#INSen: Anti-choice radical Dana Loesch defends Richard Mourdock's offensive comments

Dana Loesch is pulling a Todd Akin 2.0 by defending the crass and sexist "rape is something intended from God to happen" comment from Indiana Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock (R), who defeated incumbent Richard Lugar in the Republican primary earlier this year. Remember that the IN-Sen race occurs in the state that is home to the other affiliate that broadcasts The Dana Show (WIBC), so this means Loesch will defend him to the hilt.

Her tweets defending Mourdock and slamming the pro-choice community/Liberals/Democrats:

The facts in the articles that Loesch neglected to mention to her twitter followers (and likely to her radio listeners tomorrow on The Dana Show).

Think Progress Justice:

NEW ALBANY, Indiana — At a debate this evening with his Democratic opponent Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Indiana GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock claimed that raped women should be forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term because their forced pregnancy is a “gift from God”:
I believe life begins at conception. The only exception I have for to have an abortion is in the case of the life of the mother. I struggled with myself for a long time but I came to realize life is that gift from God, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape. It is something that God intended to happen.


Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock became the latest Republican to wander into eyebrow-raising territory when it came to the discussion of rape and abortion during a Senate debate Tuesday night. 
Defending his stance that abortion should be illegal even in the case of rape, Mourdock explained that pregnancy resulting from nonconsensual sex is the will of God.
“I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God,” Mourdock said. “And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” 
In the Indiana Senate race, Mourdock’s statement could serve to reinforce the Democratic contention that he’s an extremist. Rep. Joe Donnelly, the Democratic nominee, also opposes abortion rights but makes an exception for rape and incest as well as the mother’s health. 
After the debate, Donnelly said Mourdock’s words on stage were disturbing.
“The God I believe in and the God I know most Hoosiers believe in, does not intend for rape to happen—ever,” Donnelly said in a written statement. “What Mr. Mourdock said is shocking, and it is stunning that he would be so disrespectful to survivors of rape.”

To piss off Loesch some more, please donate to Joe Donnelly (D)'s Senate campaign to defeat right-wing kook Richard Mourdock and the GOP War On Women.

 More on Loesch's deliberate falsehoods on the "war on women" and attacks on women: 
Dana Busted: On KFTK's The Dana Show, Loesch defends Akin against the "GOP Establishment that wants him to drop out"
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch falsely implies that "McCaskill and Democrats want to control women"
LGF: Dana and Chris Loesch Defend Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments
Dana Busted: Clueless moron Dana Loesch defends Todd Akin's "Legitimate Rape" comment 
Dana Busted: Anti-choice liar Dana Loesch criticizes Lisa Brown's Vagina Monologues speech
Dana Busted: Loesch on KFTK's The Dana Show: "Progressive Women Suffer From 'Fake Leg Syndrome.'" 
Dana Busted: GOP flunky Dana Loesch continues to misleadingly accuse the Dems of "pushing a 'war on women'"
Dana Busted: Loesch defends Kleefisch and Walker from possible recalls

Dana Busted: Loesch visits Chicago, still baselessly claims the "Democrats have a war on [conservative] women" 
Dana Busted: Loesch visits Madison, Wisconsin, and lies her butt off 
Dana Busted: Dana Loesch STILL falsely accusing the "Dems of starting the War on Moms' 
Dana Busted: Loesch falsely trumpets the "Democrats have declared war on [conservative] mothers" 
Media Matters for America: Dana Loesch's constant smears against Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: Loesch falsely accuses the Dems of "playing political games with VAWA" 
Dana Busted: Big Journalism's Loesch falsely accuses Jan Schakowsky of "validating misogyny" 
Dana Busted: Loesch defends the sexist Oxycontin Smuggling Hypocrite's attacks on Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: Outright moron Loesch still lying about Sandra Fluke 
Dana Busted: On her radio show, Loesch ridicules college-aged women for supporting access to contraception
Dana Busted: Anti-choice whacko Dana Loesch defends Virginia's horrid extremist Ultrasound Law
Dana Busted: Loesch's recent lunacy continues on trucking
Dana Busted: Loesch lies on ABC's This Week on everything
Dana Busted: Anti-Choice liar Loesch: "Liberals only care about breast cancer to push their pro-abortion agenda"
Dana Busted: More anti-choice propaganda from Dana Loesch 
Media Matters: Loesch and guest Katz bash Michelle Obama 
Media Matters: On The Dana Show, Loesch Claims "Democrats Use Women As Prostitutes For Votes" 
LGF: CNN and KFTK’s Dana Loesch Equates Mandatory Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound to Having Sex 
Media Matters: Limbaugh, Loesch join chorus blaming MoveOn for activist beating
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