
Anti-LGBTQ sourpuss Dana Loesch smears STL City Alderman Shane Cohn over LGBT Pride light displays

Rabid homophobic foe of LGBTQ rights Dana Loesch does what she does best: complain and whine. And this time, it's directed at Shane Cohn (@shanecohn on Twitter), a St. Louis City Alderman representing the 25th Ward, for spending money on using rainbow lighting for the St. Louis PrideFest this weekend and the victory of DOMA's overturning by SCOTUS.

The RedState contributor wrote wrote lies about the lighting for PrideFest:

St. Louis celebrated the defeat of DOMA and Prop 8 with lights: 
The Civil Courts Building has been showing off rainbow LED lighting most of this week.  Soldiers Memorial will switch over to the colors this weekend for St. Louis Pride Fest, which has moved to downtown.
Ward 25 Alderman Shane Cohn secured $15,000 in capital improvement money for the lights.  Cohn said a company matched that amount.
Where did Cohn get that $15,000 in “capital improvement money?”
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So are Christians, like myself, who are also city residents.
My city is struggling with crime and an alderman takes taxpayer money to use as a political statement in a ward that’s not even his? And to additionally make the memorial for our soldiers part of the display? We’re struggling financially and with a crime wave and we can appropriate tax dollars for this?

You, ma'am, are a fucking windbag, Dana! And as Cohn properly points out, LGBTQ people are also taxpayers and citizens, something bigoted assholes like Loesch doesn't get.

Her smears of Alderman Cohn and Mayor Francis Slay on Twitter:

Dana, you are BOTH anti-gay and sexist at the same time.

Cohn's rebuttals:

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