Her twitter posts on the on the ruling that threw out DOMA and Prop 8:
UPDATE (06.26.2013, 9:30PM CDT):
The STL P-D's Kevin McDermott takes brazen idiot Dana Loesch to task for blatantly lying about DOMA.
Kevin McDermott at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
The problem is, she also gets creative in outlining the history of the federal anti-gay-marriage law that was struck down. She strongly implies that law was a Democratic idea that Republicans have always opposed.
As for the rest — Democrats "championing" its passage, Clinton offering “fervent” support, Republicans proudly lining up with their revered Log Cabin leaders in a principled quest to stop it … Well, no.
In the end, the Republican-controlled Congress passed the Republican-sponsored bill through both chambers, with all but one Republican voting “yes.” A majority of congressional Democrats also supported it, though dozens of them voted “no.” Clinton — in an act that, even then, was widely portrayed as classic Clintonian triangulation in an election year — signed the bill with zero fanfare, literally in the middle of the night.
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