Loesch falsely claims that Walker's quote was "butchered" by TPM, Politico (since changed), and other outlets, which is not a real surprise given her hard-line anti-abortion viewpoints:
Politico deliberately used a quote from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on ultrasound images and falsely claimed that Walker was applying it to legislated ultrasounds prior to obtaining an abortion.[...]Her tweets slamming Josh Marshall and other outlets that accurately quoted Walker that she says is "nonexistent":
Anyone with the reading comprehension of a dolphin knows that Walker was specifically describing ultrasound images, not the legislation itself -- which yes, it is cool that women seeking an abortion as a form of birth control must think and see the life they are ending before ending it.
. @Politico hack @AdamBLerner butchers Walker quote on ultrasounds: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Yes, Walker said ultrasound images were cool. Meanwhile Politico, other hacks lie: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
. @KaylieEHanson Not very “empowering” to lie about a quote. Women aren’t idiots. http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
. @Politico changes their headline on false Walker attribution: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Politico, caving into raging whiny prick Loesch, changes headline.
Hi @Jezebel , Politico changed their butchered headline. Do you care enough about truth to do the same? http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Hi @KaylieEHanson , Politico changed their false headline, will you be as quick to do the same? http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Hi, @SenatorBoxer please note that Politico changed their false claim on this quote http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ . You do the same?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
. @LEBassett You need to follow Politico’s move and change your blatantly false headline http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
A great start to women’s “equality”: women quoting interviews conducted by women should make sure quote is accurate. cc @LEBassett @jezebel
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Politico Quotes @GovWalker Wildly Out Of Context To Invent Abortion Attack http://t.co/7lvnGfaCev @dailycaller @DLoesch @AdamBLerner
— Alexander Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) May 27, 2015
Politico deliberately distorts Walker quote, Progressive echo-chamber parrots the lie without question. http://t.co/OIXgyRgI7l via @DLoesch
— Progressives Today (@ProgsToday) May 27, 2015
Change your false stories, hacks: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
List of media hacks with screenshots of their blatantly false headline re Walker quote: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
. @rweingarten Why are you Tweeting a blatantly false quote from my interview? Please correct. Politico already did: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
Randi Weingarten's right.
Hi @NPR , you need to correct your ridiculously false headline here: http://t.co/qoDI3R6N8k . See: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
So far @HuffingtonPost , @Jezebel @NPR @TPM @rweingarten @SenatorBoxer refuse to retract completely false quote: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 27, 2015
. @SenatorBoxer doesn’t like being called “ma’am” anymore than I like having politicians misquote my interviews: http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Attn. media: This is how to properly quote from an interview. https://t.co/H04oBYncHA
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
"Properly," by Loesch's standards.
Search for “Walker ultrasound” and see the violent threats being made because of progressive media’s fabricated quote.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Dislike a candidate all you want, but to get outraged over a quote he never said is lame.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
He did say the quote, doofus.
Shame on you @PPact @CecileRichards for outrage over a NONEXISTENT quote. Correct it now. http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Not at all what he said, @PPact . Stop your war on women by deliberately lying about my interview http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
There's a war on women being waged, and it's people like you and your ilk that are waging it, NOT Planned Parenthood or any other pro-choice entity.
Look who is rage spiraling now about a NONEXISTENT quote. Will Democrats correct? http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg https://t.co/h2hyTsqHrt
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
. @SpeedReads Lie. Correct your false headline where you butcher my interview http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Unreal. @msnbc quote absolutely made up Walker quote and includes it as fact in their site. Hacks. http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Hey @msnbc : Walker DIDN'T SAY THIS. At all. --> http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg / pic.twitter.com/Zd4TVlWXaA
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
You are a hack if you must fabricate quotes to justify your dislike of a candidate.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
No, @joshtpm people are mocking hacks for rage-spiraling over a made-up quote.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
. @joshtpm I don’t need a “theory,” Josh. I have actual audio and video. You lied. http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
. @joshtpm ———>>>>> http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ #CanYouClickALinkHack
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
If we’re going to star fabricating quotes, I’m going to have fun with a lot of you.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Oh no, @joshtpm u aren’t a “rage monkey.” You’re a hack who just admitted he read a fake quote abt my interview instead of listening to it.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
. @joshtpm I gave you a link that you refuse to click. http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Since @joshtpm won’t read —> http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg I’ll have fun playing his own fake quote attribution game with him.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
If we’re going to discuss “agitation,” @joshtpm let’s talk about your hyperventilated made-up quote you pushed to rage over. Stop lying.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Admit it, @joshtpm : you didn’t even listen to the interview, you lazily quoted false prog hot takes. Now you’re mad because you’re caught.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
I did four times. You’re pretending not to see for your audience and to save face. Cute, @joshtpm —> http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
You’re freaking out because I called you out, @joshtpm . I’m treating you with the contempt you deserve. http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Yes, you lied about a quote and are freaking out because you’re caught, @joshtpm . Own up to it. You’re a hack. http://t.co/i9YGnNLSBQ
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Typical. @joshtpm lies about hearing my interview, phones in a story centered around a fake quote, then says everyone else is “histrionic."
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
What sort of reaction did u expect when u outright made up a quote & attributed it to someone without even hearing the interview, @joshtpm ?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Loesch toady Ben Howe on the Walker comments:
Everyone just copy and paste the text of this tweet. Maybe even several thousand of us do it it will sink in. https://t.co/zrGsusumYs
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) May 28, 2015
Check out @joshtpm ’s revisionist history fake quoting my radio interview he didn’t hear —> https://t.co/4yCk3ta3Hu
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Not sure why it’s so difficult for @joshtpm to admit 1) He didn’t hear the interview 2) He cited a made up quote from RWR . Just apologize.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Classy. Just like a prog male @joshtpm , enraged at being called out by a woman, cuts to the personal attacks. Hackneyed, just like ur work.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Josh Marshall at TPM has done more truthful journalism that you've ever done in your lifetime, Dana.
See how it works? Prog blog publishes fake quote, MSNBC, Politico run with it, now parroted by Dem party acct. https://t.co/MxXFzt4uKx
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Actually, he specifically said this about his sons’s ultrasounds images. You may want to correct this @Goldfarb —> http://t.co/i9YGnNuhdg
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 28, 2015
Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs nails it:
.@DLoesch is a horribly dishonest person. She knows very well Scott Walker is being quoted accurately.
— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) May 28, 2015
This is typical stuff from Mrs. Loesch.
Miranda Blue at Right Wing Watch:
In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch on Friday, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defended his anti-choice record, saying that a bill he signed requiring that women seeking an abortion first obtain a medically unnecessary ultrasound merely provided them with access to “a lovely thing” and a “cool thing out there.”
Walker told Loesch that criticism he received about the ultrasound bill was merely an attack from the “gotcha” media, and that he was in fact just trying to provide women with “a cool thing.”
“The thing about that, the media tried to make that sound like that was a crazy idea,” he said. “Most people I talked to, whether they’re pro-life or not, I find people all the time that pull out their iPhone and show me a picture of their grandkids’ ultrasound and how excited they are, so that’s a lovely thing. I think about my sons are 19 and 20, we still have their first ultrasounds. It’s just a cool thing out there.”
From the 05.22.2015 edition of KFTK/Radio America's The Dana Show:
From the 05.26.2015 edition of TheBlazeTV's Dana:
Tommy Christopher at The Daily Banter:
Wisconsin Governor and Republican presidential co-frontrunner Scott Walker caused a viral stir this week when comments he made to conservative media star Dana Loesch went viral. Walker was defending the mandatory ultrasound law he signed in 2013 on the basis that ultrasounds are “lovely” and “a cool thing.”
“I’ve passed prolife legislation, we defunded Planned Parentiood signed a law that requires an ultrasound, um, which, think about that, the media tried to make that sound like it’s a crazy idea. Most people I talk to, whether they’re prolife or not, I find people all the time will get out their iPhone and show me a picture of their grandkids’s ultrasound and how excited they are. That’s a lovely thing. My sons are 19 and 20, we still have the ultrasound picture, it’s a cool thing out there.”
Now, Loesch is leading a conservative media campaign against Politico, and other outlets, over their coverage of Walker’s remarks. At issue are headlines like Politico‘s “Scott Walker on Mandatory Ultrasounds: ‘It’s just a cool thing out there,” or TPM’s “Scott Walker: Mandatory Ultrasounds Are ‘Just A Cool Thing’ For Women.”
More on Loesch's deliberate falsehoods on the war on women, attacks on [Democratic/liberal] women, birth control, and pro-choice viewpoints:
- On FNC's Fox and Friends to hawk her book, Dana Loesch says "gun control is the real war on women"
- In the wake of SCOTUS's heinous Burwell v. Hobby Lobby decision, the Loesch duo defend Hobby Lobby
- Anti-choice shitstain Dana Loesch rudely mocks #rally4MOwomen attendees
- Loesch on FNC's The Kelly File: "The Gender Pay Gap is a 'myth'"
- Anti-choicer Dana Loesch shills for Hobby Lobby's anti-birth control and contraception policies
- Ignorant Asswipe Dana Loesch smears Congressman Jan Schakowsky for telling the truth about PPACA
- Dana Loesch provides cover for supporting deranged bigots Ted Nugent and James O'Keefe
- Dana Loesch continues to smear Texas Gov. candidate Wendy Davis (D), will guest host on ABC's The View
- Dana Busted: Far-right douchebag Dana Loesch defends Mike Huckabee's "can't control their libido" comments
- Dana Busted: Loesch smears Wendy Davis yet again... by defaming her as a "one-woman death panel."
- Dana Loesch (again) falsely blames Democrats for sexism against women: Bob Filner edition
- More anti-choice nonsense from Dana Loesch: Texas edition
- Rabid anti-choicer Dana Loesch smears Wendy Davis and protesters opposing Texas's proposed draconian abortion law
- Dana Busted: Anti-Choice RedState.com contributor Loesch advocates for even tougher anti-abortion restrictions
- Dana Busted: More feminist-bashing on Twitter by Dana Loesch
- Dana Busted: Dana Loesch defends House GOP's VAWA bill, falsely accuses Democrats of "exploiting women"
- Dana Busted: Dana Loesch still making misleading attacks on Salazar and Democrats
- Dana Busted: Dana Loesch baselessly attacks Colorado Rep. Joe Salazar (D)
- Dana Busted: On #RoevWade's 40th Anniversary, anti-choice extremist Loesch declares it "Happy Baby-Killing Anniversary"
- Dana Busted: #INSen: Anti-choice radical Dana Loesch defends Richard Mourdock's offensive comments
- Dana Busted: On KFTK's The Dana Show, Loesch defends Akin against the "GOP Establishment that wants him to drop out"
- Dana Busted: Dana Loesch falsely implies that "McCaskill and Democrats want to control women"
- LGF: Dana and Chris Loesch Defend Akin’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments
- Dana Busted: Clueless moron Dana Loesch defends Todd Akin's "Legitimate Rape" comment
- Dana Busted: Anti-choice liar Dana Loesch criticizes Lisa Brown's Vagina Monologues speech
- Dana Busted: Loesch on KFTK's The Dana Show: "Progressive Women Suffer From 'Fake Leg Syndrome.'"
- Dana Busted: GOP flunky Dana Loesch continues to misleadingly accuse the Dems of "pushing a 'war on women'"
- Dana Busted: Loesch defends Kleefisch and Walker from possible recalls
- Dana Busted: Loesch visits Chicago, still baselessly claims the "Democrats have a war on [conservative] women"
- Dana Busted: Loesch visits Madison, Wisconsin, and lies her butt off
- Dana Busted: Dana Loesch STILL falsely accusing the "Dems of starting the War on Moms'
- Dana Busted: Loesch falsely trumpets the "Democrats have declared war on [conservative] mothers"
- Media Matters for America: Dana Loesch's constant smears against Sandra Fluke
- Dana Busted: Loesch falsely accuses the Dems of "playing political games with VAWA"
- Dana Busted: Big Journalism's Loesch falsely accuses Jan Schakowsky of "validating misogyny"
- Dana Busted: Loesch defends the sexist Oxycontin Smuggling Hypocrite's attacks on Sandra Fluke
- Dana Busted: Outright moron Loesch still lying about Sandra Fluke
- Dana Busted: On her radio show, Loesch ridicules college-aged women for supporting access to contraception
- Dana Busted: Anti-choice whacko Dana Loesch defends Virginia's horrid extremist Ultrasound Law
- Dana Busted: Loesch's recent lunacy continues on trucking
- Dana Busted: Loesch lies on ABC's This Week on everything
- Dana Busted: Anti-Choice liar Loesch: "Liberals only care about breast cancer to push their pro-abortion agenda"
- Dana Busted: More anti-choice propaganda from Dana Loesch
- Media Matters: Loesch and guest Katz bash Michelle Obama
- Media Matters: On The Dana Show, Loesch Claims "Democrats Use Women As Prostitutes For Votes"
- LGF: CNN and KFTK’s Dana Loesch Equates Mandatory Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound to Having Sex
- Media Matters: Limbaugh, Loesch join chorus blaming MoveOn for activist beating