
Dana Loesch, fresh off of comparing Gay Marriage to Bestiality, goes on AC360

Today, Dana Loesch compared Same-Sex Marriage to Bestiality. I knew this woman was homophobic, just like "Dr." Gina Loudon.

Adam Shriver broke the story earlier today on his blog.

Dana Loesch is one of those conservatives who loves to point out how they are totally friends with people in the LGBT community. But in my opinion, this combined with her behavior since joining Breitbart's site just raises the question: what's worse? Actually being a bigot, or being someone who knows better but nevertheless promotes bigoted ideas in order to further your career?

A day after calling Eric Boehlert George Soros's "butt boy" because he destroyed her ridiculous claims, Loesch wrote a post on gay marriage in which she featured a cartoon of Kanye West kissing a fish.

I discussed this on Daily Kos:

Today, St. Louis's favorite Teahadist hatemonger Dana Loesch posted on her phony news site, Big Journalism, in regards to Same-Sex Marriage. Needless to say, her homophobic views went out to expose her for what she is: a delusional bigot.

Loesch was on AC360 tonight, with Cornell Belcher, discussing how to "dismantle Obamacare." Well, I have some news for her, the PPACA will NOT be repealed.

COOPER: Now, it's not for us to say who has better ideas for health care or how one party or another should vote on any legislation.

But if you're going to praise the ump's fairness when the call goes your way, it seems kind of hypocritical to complain when it goes the other way. And if you're going to make rules that say money- saving bills are OK, you can't turn around and say money-saving bills are OK, except for bills you don't like.

Joining me to talk about with different perspectives, Democratic strategist and former pollster Cornell Belcher, also Tea Party organizer and Saint Louis radio host Dana Loesch.

Dana, what about it? I mean, when the CBO says something some Republicans, politicians, like, they seem to sing its places, but, on this issue, they are saying there's fuzzy math going on. Are they being hypocritical?

DANA LOESCH, EDITOR, BIGJOURNALISM.COM: I don't think so in this instance, Anderson, because there's something kind of funny about all of this.

First of all, the CBO report that was issued which said that the $1 trillion health control law was going to be deficit neutral, within a week of that report being issued, there was a lesser-known report that was also issued that was based upon an inquiry that came from Paul Ryan.

He asked the CBO to consider the costs of the health care law in -- also with the doc fix. That's the -- the infamous Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors and that. And what the CBO discovered was that those two pieces of legislation together actually added to the deficit.

And it's interesting to note, too, that Nancy Pelosi initially had the doc fix in the health care legislation, but it was removed. So, at one point -- it was removed before the CBO scored it. So, at one point, they thought that these two pieces of legislation, that this could be coupled together, that they were related.

But those two things together actually do add to the deficit. And that's the little known thing that nobody's talking about.

COOPER: Cornell, was the CBO gamed in all this?

CORNELL BELCHER, FORMER OBAMA CAMPAIGN POLLSTER: No. What you have is classic game -- political gamesmanship, you know, bait-and- switch politics at its finest.

Look, Senator Grassley is right. The CBO is sort of God around this town when it says something. And it's -- the Republicans are in danger here of really sort of, you know, being hypocritical. And that's sort of the -- the ultimate sin in politics is you come across as looking hypocritical at something.

You can't say the CBO, you know, the Congressional Budget Office is -- is right when it's -- when it's -- when it's favoring you, but not right when it's not favoring you. And the first piece of legislation that you put up here right now is in fact legislation that you -- that you know is going to -- is going to undermine what you're saying.

It's going to roll back -- it's going to hurt the -- it's going to hurt the deficit. They -- they came to Washington saying we're going to be, you know, tough on the budget. We're going to shrink the deficit. And the first piece of legislation out the box is a piece of red meat that they're in fact throwing to their base.

Look, I understand throwing the meat to your base, but for the middle swathe of -- of independent voters out -- out there, this looks hypocritical, and it's going to hurt them.

COOPER: Dana, let me ask you, though, is this just red meat for the base?



COOPER: If it passes the House, it's not going to pass in the Senate.

LOESCH: Well, maybe. We don't know for sure.

COOPER: And, obviously, President Obama wouldn't sign it.

LOESCH: Well, we don't know for sure that it wouldn't pass in the Senate.

But I -- I have to ask, why is it that some people pay so much attention to the first report from the CBO, but completely discount the second report, which actually was in -- completely contradictory to the first one. That is what -- that is -- that is bait and switch. That is gaming the system, absolutely.

But I do think that it's really premature to say that this wouldn't pass the Senate. And I say this because we're going to have to see by how much it would pass the House. There are a lot of very vulnerable senators right now, including my own senator, Claire McCaskill.

You have to think, too, like, with a state like Missouri, a very purple state, Prop C, the piece of legislation that passed into law which exempted Missourians from the -- the health -- health care mandate, that -- that passed like by 3-1 in every single county in Missouri.

COOPER: Right. Yes.

LOESCH: A lot of Democrats voted for that. That's Claire McCaskill's base. We're seeing this kind of over and over again in different states.

COOPER: Well...

LOESCH: So, I think that there are a lot of vulnerable senators.


LOESCH: It could pass.


COOPER: Cornell...


COOPER: ... let me ask you about that...


BELCHER: Come on, Dana.

COOPER: ... because CNN's most recent polling, you have health care reform law pretty unpopular. Fifty-four percent oppose it.

By standing in the way of repeal, I mean, do Democrats, you know...

BELCHER: Two -- two things, two things here, Anderson.

One is, you know, come on, that -- it has zero chance of passing in the Senate. It's not going to pass in the Senate. And it's certainly not going to get a presidential -- a presidential signature -- presidential signature. So it is just political -- so it is just political theater.


BELCHER: The other part about this is that, you know, this -- where's this broad mandate for -- for reforming -- sort of repealing health care? It wasn't in the exit polling.

And in your CNN polling, 54 percent, that's not a broad mandate. In Gallup's last polling, when they asked sort of should government assure -- ensure -- ensure coverage, 47 percent, yes, 50 percent, no. So, it's fairly split.

And, quite frankly, I think Democrats should be looking for this as an opportunity to message on health care, because we did such a poor job of it the first time around.

COOPER: So, Cornell, you say they could pick up independents? Democrats could actually pick -- win back some -- some independents here on this?

BELCHER: No, I didn't say they could win back some independents on this. I'm saying there's not a broad mandate, particularly among independents, for this repeal.

This is clearly political theater for the...

LOESCH: Oh, no, no, no.

BELCHER: ... for the -- for -- for the Republican -- for the Republican base.

LOESCH: I have to disagree with...

BELCHER: At 47-50...

LOESCH: This is one the most -- this is one of the most...

BELCHER: At 47-50, where -- where is that...

COOPER: Dana, go ahead.

BELCHER: Go ahead. I'm sorry.

LOESCH: Just in -- just, what was it, in August, 56 percent of Americans, according to Rasmussen, said that this legislation ought to be repealed. This is one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation, specifically because, for one, the mandate in there that's requiring people to purchase a product from the government simply because they live in the United States.

That's hugely unpopular, and, plus, again, those two CBO reports, the second one contradicting the first one. I think what we're going to see -- it's going to pass the House. I don't know by how much, but I will say it right -- it's going to pass the House.

By the Senate, though, that's going to be -- oh, I'm -- I'm very anxious to see that. And it's going to be like -- that's going to be theater, because there's going to be a lot of people going back and forth on it.

BELCHER: It's not going to pass the Senate. And we can argue about polling numbers, but let's just take CNN's poll.

CNN's poll has it at, what, 54 percent, which is not a broad mandate. And then, certainly, when you look at independent voters, who...


LOESCH: That's a majority, though.

BELCHER: It's not a broad mandate.

LOESCH: You're going to discount majorities suddenly?

BELCHER: And when you -- and when you look at sort of where independent voters are, there was no hunger among independent voters for -- for repealing this -- repealing this act.

You know what independent voters punished Democrats for? For not paying enough attention to jobs and the economy. They think we spent too much time on health care. And what are Republicans doing the first thing out of the box?

LOESCH: Right.

BELCHER: Oh, we're going to focus on health care.

I -- I'm telling you, I'm not trying to be a hard-core partisan on this.

LOESCH: Because you don't see how that's related to jobs?

BELCHER: I'm thinking that this is...

LOESCH: Oh, I know.

BELCHER: ... is hypocritical. And independent voters are going to see it as hypocritical.

COOPER: We have got to -- we have got to leave it there, although we should point out Boehner was very quick to...

LOESCH: Can -- can I make one point?

COOPER: ... to -- to categorize this as a job-killing health care -- yes, Dana, go ahead.

LOESCH: CBO said that -- that this legislation is going to actually reduce the labor force by over 700,000 jobs, contradicting what Nancy Pelosi said, that it would create immediately 400,000 jobs. That's according to CBO. BELCHER: So, now you're -- you're -- so now you're for the CBO? So, I -- I don't know. You're flip-flopping. You're against the CBO. You're for the CBO.

LOESCH: No, I'm for the CBO's report too. You're ignoring the second report from the CBO, which contradicts...


BELCHER: You're for the CBO when it's...


BELCHER: You're in support of the CBO when it's...


COOPER: All right. All right.


LOESCH: No, you're -- no, no, no, no, no.


LOESCH: The second report that was queried by -- by Paul Ryan, that's what you're not acknowledging.

COOPER: Dana Loesch...

BELCHER: The last CBO report said it -- it was -- it cut the deficit. That's all I know.

LOESCH: It said that it's not deficit-neutral. Not with the doc fix, it's not. And it's included.

COOPER: Dana Loesch...



COOPER: ... Cornell Belcher, appreciate it.


COOPER: Let us know what you think, the live chat up and running right now at AC360.com.


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