
At #CPAC2015, Loesch heinously says "gays could be stoned in the streets" if anti-LGBTQ bigotry isn't allowed

At the same CPAC conference in which she mentioned that "it was time to make [Conservative] Christians a 'protected class'", notorious anti-LGBTQ homophobia bigot Dana Loesch heinously suggested that non-discrimination laws "will lead to gays getting stoned in the streets."" WRONG AGAIN, Mrs. Loesch! It's phony "Christian" assholes like you, Tony Perkins, Matt Barber, Bryan Fischer, and their ilk that want to harm the LGBTQ community.

Tim Peacock at Peacock Panache:
"You don't have to be a Christian to be affected by loss of religious liberty, because if one liberty is taken, more liberties will be taken," Loesch said. After complimenting her rabid, fervently far-right fan base she continued, "If I'm not speaking up you're losing rights then what will happen to me when the day comes, if someone comes to me? What if you're stoned for walking out in the street for being gay? I mean, come on, that's where the conversation needs to go."
Loesch's stance against LGBT public accommodation protections is nothing new; she's been railing against these specific civil rights protections for years.
To sum things up: Loesch thinks everyone should have the ability to deny service based on sincerely held religious beliefs because lack of religious liberty could lead to gays being stoned. But she also wants to simultaneously specifically protect Christians from the very sort of discrimination she rallied for.
Kyle Mantyla at PFAW's Right Wing Watch:
On Saturday morning, right-wing radio host and self-described "total partisan hack" Dana Loesch participated in a CPAC panel on religious liberty, along with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and Rep. Randy Neugebauer. During the discussion, Loesch said that if America doesn’t protect the supposed "right" of Christians to discriminate against gays in public accommodations, it will eventually lead to gays being stoned to death in the streets.
Thank God that Right Wing Watch has finally put Loesch into their monitoring rotation (something that should've been done years ago), considering that she was (and still is) Beck's lead substitute for his afternoon show and now has her own daily show after him. Her employer Glenn Beck and regular TheBlazeTV guest (and occasional fill-in host) David Barton are regularly monitored by RWW.

More on Loesch's attacks on LGBTQ rights:

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