
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch launches a fact-free "Godless Left"-blaming tirade

Cross-posted from Daily Kos.

Prominent NRA spokeswoman and conservative hate-spewing phony “Christian” radio/TV host Dana Loesch had a screed that was full of hot air and lacking in facts and substance in the wake of the San Bernardino Shooting. She falsely blamed gun safety advocates as the “Godless Left” for demanding more than just thoughts and prayers, such as meaningful action on gun safety measures.
In a video for NRA News, Conservative pundit Dana Loesch sneered her way through a pro-gun, pro-prayer, and anti-”Godless Left” rant (which, it should be noted, seems to encompass the entire left, godless and otherwise). It touched on everything from Benghazi to healthcare, and was really quite a hodgepodge of cherished right-wing talking points.
Loesch bravely, bravely takes on a whole host of favorite conservative straw men with the requisite contempt and anger she believes they merit. She is, after all, fighting for the right to survive. Somehow. She never quite gets to the hows, but, you know, FREEDOM!!!
So, fuck you, Dana.
Fuck you and your self-righteous “my 2nd Amendment rights are more important than your dead kid” granstanding bullshit.
Fuck you and your xenophobic “be afraid of the Muslims” bullshit.
Fuck you and your “it’s the liberal’s fault because they won’t spy on Muslim’s social media”.
Fuck you and your blaming liberals and the “godless left” for everything wrong in the world.
AMEN! Loesch and her acolytes can fuck off!
Dana Loesch, a religious right, gun supporter extraordinaire, went on a crazed anti-left rant on The Blaze earlier today.
Apparently, she has a trademark on "God," owning the Almighty outright and blamed the "godless left," for everything wrong with the world under the sun.
In fact, this claim formed the crux of an unhinged rant that The Blaze's Dana Loesch delivered on her television program last night in which she furiously attacked the "godless left" for "mocking people who were simply asking for prayers" in the wake of the attack and for blaming the attack on guns and the NRA.
"Here's an idea," she said, "how about you guys stop letting terrorists in ... because you all have blood on your hands right now."
"I also have a major problem with all these tragedy dry-humping whores," she ranted, "and I'm not watching my language because it’s about time somebody call you out for what you are. You sicken me.”
Speaking of tragedy dry-humping whores, it’s YOU, Mrs. Loesch, not the “Godless Left!”  In fact, you are a dry-humper for various right-wing causes, such as opposition to unions, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and supporting the NRA unconditionally.
Arguing that calling for sensible gun regulations and not prayer “mocked the entire concept of religion,” Loesch called the cover a “coordinated assault” on “our right to believe.” Loesch went on to smugly mock the paper (and the so-called “the Godless Left”) for their apparent knowledge of “God’s will” before segueing into rhetorically abhorrent territory. 
And then Loesch (in true right-wing conspiracy theory spirit) brought in Benghazi. Because of course. Despite the fact that not one GOP-led Congressional committee could indict Hillary Clinton on a single charge of wrongdoing, dangerous ideologues like Loesch continue to capitalize on the fear mongering invoking the word “Benghazi” creates.
Thereafter, Loesch somehow even managed to shoehorn the so-called “War on Christmas” into the commentary for good measure.
The pièce de résistance arrived when Loesch discussed the San Bernardino shooting. Referring to the “Godless Left”, Loesch argued, “These saboteurs share the same fanatical fervor to tear apart the foundations of America as the terrorists who threaten our very survival. And together, they march hand-in-hand toward the possible, purposeful destruction of us all.”
Her latest rant sums up why Loesch (and her listeners) are a danger to American morals. 
If you lack the stomach to watch Loesch connect-the-dots between Hillary Clinton, the mainstream media, Obamacare, the ostensible demonization of Christianity, the War on Christmas, the “weaponizing of the IRS,” the Fort Hood attacks, the Boston Marathon bombing and, of course, Benghazi, that’s most likely because you belong to the “the global alliance of elitists, media activists, Hollywood celebrities, campus radicals and political power-mongers who have openly attacked sacred American values and the people who cherish them with ruthlessness, contempt and downright hatred.”
You most likely, according to Loesch, share “the same fanatical fervor to tear apart the foundations of America as the terrorists who threaten our very survival.” That’s why you applauded as “the New York Daily News became the loudest, vilest, most condescending voice for what many people call the Godless Left.” 
“As a horrific act of terror unfolded in real time, the majority of Americans,” Loesch said, speaking for this imagined majority, “turned to earnest prayer for the dead, the wounded, their families and the world — while political and media elites joined forces to insult and mock and disparage them, and in so doing, laid bare the utter moral depravity of the Godless Left.”
Her “Godless Left” tirade is proof that right-wing hatemongering buttmunches like Loesch are actually driving more people away from Christianity.
Her NRA News commentary, called the “Godless Left”:

From the 12.15.2015 edition of TheBlazeTV’s Dana:

I hate to break it to you and your brainwashed fans, Dana, but a lot of the people on the political left in this country believe in God and/or own guns.


Dana Loesch victim blames female student assaulted by former cop Ben Fields

Police brutality apologist Dana Loesch defends former SRO officer Ben Fields' brutal takedown of a black female student at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, Carolina.

The video of the incident:

I hate to break it to you, Mrs. Loser-esch, but the cop started the whole incident, and not the student.


Transphobic shitbrain Dana Loesch misgenders Hillsboro High School student Lila Perry

Today, notorious transphobic piece of shit bigot fake "Christian" Dana Loesch puts out a blogpost defaming transgender Hillsboro High School student Lila Perry (@transwitchcraft) by misgendering her with male pronouns.

Loesch's transphobia on Lila Perry:
I have family and friends with children in the Hillsboro School District. That this issue is taking place here, a rural community about 45 minutes south of St. Louis, is pretty unbelievable. A young man, a senior in high school, has decided to "identify" as a girl and was given use of the gender-neutral faculty restroom. It wasn't a good enough option; he demanded use of the girls's locker rooms and restrooms as well, a move which made the girls extremely uncomfortable. Many students and parents oppose.
Unfortunately, he isn't like other female students because he isn't female. He also doesn't get to determine what's best for hundreds of young girls or judge their reaction. Hundreds of students walked out in protest. The young man claims the girls are bigots for wanting to be comfortable while undressing.
The real bigot is people like you and the transphobic protesters who were opposed to Lila Perry.

Roche Madden at Fox2now on the walkout in Hillsboro, Missouri and why Lila Perry dropped her gym glass:
HILLSBORO, MO (KTVI) - Students staged a walk-out even though a transgender student at Hillsboro High School has decided to drop out of P.E. class and quit changing in the girl's locker room. It is an issue that educators across the country are dealing with. 
Students walked out for almost two hours. Some against what the transgender student has been doing, others supporting her. 
Elizabeth Denton at Seventeen Magazine:
High school senior Lila Perry has identified as a female since she was 13​-years-old. In the middle of the school year last year at Hillsboro High School​in Hillsboro, MO, she came out publicly as transgender. ​The school is compliant with Title IX and has gender-neutral bathrooms, ​but Lila decided she's tired of the segregation. She wants to use the girls' bathrooms and locker rooms since she's a girl, but students at her school aren't having it. 
Yesterday morning, 150 of Lila's fellow students walked out in protest of her using the girl's locker room in gym class. The walkout lasted for two hours, and Lila stayed inside the principal's office because she was afraid for her safety. 

Laura Donovan at ATTN:
Hillsboro High School in Missouri made nationwide headlines on Monday after hundreds of students held a walkout in response to trans senior Lila Perry's recent use of the girls bathroom and locker room. Some students walked out in support of Lila's decision, while the majority fought against this right. 
Lila, who was born male but has identified as a female since age 13, started using the girls bathroom and locker room this year after previously using the gender neutral faculty restroom. Her decision to begin using the female locker room and bathroom has reportedly caused a stir with other girls and parents of students at the school, who say that although Lila wears dresses and a wig, she still has the physical appearance of a male. Lila told local news station KMOV that she isn't convinced that those protesting her are doing it to keep her female classmates safe, as some parents have argued.
“There’s a lot of ignorance, they are claiming that they’re uncomfortable," she said. "I don’t believe for a second that they are. I think this is pure and simple bigotry. I wasn’t hurting anyone and I didn’t want to feel segregated out. I didn’t want to be in the gender neutral bathroom. I am girl, I shouldn’t be pushed off to another bathroom."
Lila nails it. The anti-transgender crowd is doing this hateful act of transphobia for pure bigotry, and not about "safety."

Ryan Coleman gives the cold hard truth about the ones protesting against transgender rights:

UPDATE (9:30PM CDT, 09.01.2015):
Derrick Good, a father of two girls in the district and a right-wing activist attorney, was on KFTK's The Dana Show today to give the side of the transphobic bigots.

From the 09.01.2015 edition of KFTK/Radio America's The Dana Show:

He also appeared on TheBlazeTV's Dana later on to spew more anti-trans rhetoric.
From the 09.01.2015 edition of TheBlazeTV's Dana:

More on Loesch's attacks on LGBTQ rights:


Dana Loesch defends Center for Medical Progress's out-of-context gotcha smear of Planned Parenthood

Dana Loesch, who has a history of being an ardent opponent of Planned Parenthood, was one of many right-wing media voices to falsely accuse Planned Parenthood of "selling body parts."

Loesch's unhinged lies smearing Planned Parenthood:

Former Texas Governor and 2016 GOP candidate Rick Perry on the story:

Louisiana Gov. and 2016 GOP candidate Bobby Jindal wants to probe Planned Parenthood over the nonscandal:

Texas Senator and 2016 GOP candidate Ted Cruz supports defunding Planned Parenthood over this nonscandal:

Now, the facts:

JGibson, yours truly, at Daily Kos:
This story has been reported-- carelessely without regard for the truth in anti-choice activist circles--  as yet another way to attack Planned Parenthood... this time for allegedly "selling body parts." The offender is right-wing anti-choice front group The Center For Medical Progress.

Differences between the Centers for Medical Progress, also from the same DKos article:
The Center for Medical Progress is dedicated to articulating the importance of medical progress and the connection between free-market institutions and making medical progress both possible and widely available throughout the world. We encourage the development of market-based policy alternatives to sustain medical progress and promote medical innovation.
Conservative O'Keefe-esque Citizens For Medical Progress (not affiliated w/ Manhattan Institute for Policy Research):
The Center for Medical Progress is a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.

Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs:
Well, there’s another bogus, heavily edited James O’Keefe-style propaganda video being frantically circulated all over the right wing media and blogs, attacking Planned Parenthood. Yes, again. 
I’m not going to embed this deceptive video, but here’s a link to it at YouTube if you really think you need to see it. But the picture above shows the single most relevant and important part of it — this Planned Parenthood director was talking about standard tissue donations, the kind that are done every day throughout the medical profession. The “pro-life” groups circulating this bogus story are doing their best to portray this as something it’s not: selling body parts. They’re not selling body parts or “harvesting organs;” this is a flat out lie.
Johnson hits it right on the nail with this fauxposé to slime Planned Parenthood.

Robin Marty at Cosmopolitan:
I've read the emails. I've watched the short-version video. I've read the website and the other anti-abortion action groups' press releases. I've even poked through all of the primary sources posted so far in the "Document Vault." 
Now, frankly, I'm just going to yawn. 
A new video is making the rounds through social media and conservative news sites, claiming that Planned Parenthood of America is "selling" fetal tissue and organs. The allegations come from the Center for Medical Progress, which says it has conducted a years-long investigation into Planned Parenthood, and released both an eight-minute edited highlights video and nearly three-hour-long video involving a lunch meeting with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
If the mode of release – massive long "undercover" video footage condensed down to about five minutes of actual meeting dialogue often clipped together and out of order and context -- sounds familiar, it should. The tactic was popularized by Live Action, an anti-abortion policy group founded by Lila Rose, and undercover, edited videos – especially those targeting Planned Parenthood – are her forte. Meanwhile, David Daleiden, the media contact for the project, is the former director of research for Live Action, and according to Breitbart News he held that position for five years and "is no stranger to undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood."
Abortion opponents may be winning in their own media circles with this PR campaign against Planned Parenthood, but when it comes to actually proving illegal activity, at this point their evidence is sorely lacking.

More on Loesch's deliberate falsehoods on the war on women, attacks on [Democratic/liberal] women, birth control, and pro-choice viewpoints:
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